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Contemporary Organizations
of the future now.
BetaCodexTransformation & ChangeBusiness & Agile
Performance ManagementSelf-Organized Enterprises

Transform Your Company with Expert Guidance!

BetaCodex | Transformation & Change | Business & Agility | Decentralization | Self-Managed Organizations

Market economy is better than planned economy - not only for countries but also for businesses. However, most companies operate somewhat centrally with budgets, bonuses, KPIs, and goal agreements. To optimize, the focus is mainly on processes and frameworks, often referred to as Lean or Agile, searching for reasons in culture, mindset, or maturity, and emphasizing participation and empowerment. The most obvious performance hindrance, planned economy, is rarely employed - mainly because the alternative appears unclear.

Alinbu offers alternatives:

Applying market principles within companies leads to higher efficiency and more humane working conditions. Your company becomes more resilient to complexity, crisis-proof, and ready for the present, not just tomorrow, but today. Whether your business has 30, 3000, or 30,000 employees, let's discuss how this can benefit you!

This is where high performance and joy at work are born for everyone.

Let's talk!

Peter Pröll

Peter Proell

Costs and Benefits of a Transformation

Costs and Benefits of a Transformation

About efforts, follow-up costs, effects, risks and profitability of agile transformations and of enterprise transformations with OpenSpace Beta.


In theory and practice

In theory and practice

There are countless sayings that question the practical usefulness of theory. However, theory and practice cannot be easily separated.


Interpersonal Leadership

Interpersonal Leadership

Interpersonal leadership as a contemporary leadership approach offers an alternative to the concept of the executive role and thus enables real self-organisation.


10 success criteria for transformation

10 success criteria for transformation

There is no question that we have to transform our today's companies. The following 10 criteria have emerged that constitute a successful transformation.


The agile movement has failed

The agile movement has failed

The attempt to establish an agile way of working in companies inevitably fails, and the whole agile movement is in a deadlock.


The Myth of the Agile Mindset

The Myth of the Agile Mindset

Why the Mindset is Neither Relevant Nor Helpful for Truly Agile Work, and How Attitude, Behavior, and Mindset Depend on Each Other.



IT, Consulting, Accounting, Education, Multimedia, Energy, Retail, Banking, Engineering, NGOs & GOVs
in Germany, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, India, USA

"OpenSpace Beta Transformation. Everything is shaking, really everything! Often hard to bear when you suddenly talk about everything that is annoying, seething, wrong, or right(?). People replace colleagues, the heart takes responsibility. All right, everything else is just running out the clock."

"I've never felt so good in my CEO role."

"Meeting Peter Proell is substantial and intense. His focus on the essentials and his tenacity when it comes to 'thinking things through together', coupled with a disarming charm, make Peter the perfect host for eye-opening discourse."

"The workshop with Peter was the best I have participated in."

"With Peter Proell, we have achieved our goal much faster than expected — a collaboration that was not only fun but also motivated us for the next steps."

"The participants are thrilled. They did not expect that so much meaningful content could be conveyed in such a short time."